Dominik Rogall
Dominik Rogall did his Bachelor and Master degrees in Archaeology at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (Mainz, Germany). His Master's thesis topic is “Middle Paleolithic hominins in their environment: a multi-proxy approach reconstructing past hominin behavior, environment, and site formation. An investigation of Ararat-1 cave, Armenia.” Under the supervision of Dr. Ariel Malinsky-Buller (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Dr. Monika Knul (University of Winchester), and Dr. Jenni Sherriff (Royal Holloway University of London). Now he is a PhD research student at the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has a special interest in the study of herpetofaunal and small mammalian remains as well as taphonomic processes. His current research focuses on herpetofaunal and small mammalian remains as a proxy for paleoenvironmental reconstruction in Armenia in order to understand Middle Paleolithic population dynamics in the Southern Caucasus. The research will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Ariel Malinsky-Buller (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Dr. Hugues-Alexandre Blain (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana I Evolució Social), and Dr. Juan Manuel López Garcá (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana I Evolució Social).